functional lab testing

Because why guess when you can test? Let's get to the root cause together.


let’s dig deeper….

Functional Lab Test Interpretations


Purchase a lab test and recieve a video interpretation of your results, and recommended healing protocol. 

Learn more below!

Imagine how it would feel to…

  • Have a done-for-you protocol to help take some of the guesswork out of getting to the root cause of your symptoms

  • Work with an expert who knows how to help you reach your health goals


    Take the right supplements for your body

  • Follow a simple step by step path to healing so you can spend time with those you love most

  • Ultimately feel like super woman because you have incredible energy

Utilize lab testing to unlock answers


A plan that helps you heal from the inside out so you can feel more energy and spend your time with those you love the most. 


You deserve to feel amazing. Let me help set you up for success. 

Pick your test…

Micronutrient Test

Measures 31 vitamins, minerals, amino/fatty acids, antioxidants, and metabolites and how they affect your cellular health.

Hormone Test

This comprehensive dried urine at home hormone test measures all sex hormones, stress hormones and cortisol pattern, B vitamins, and more! 


*This test is not appropriate for those taking hormonal birth control.

Gut Health Test

DNA-based stool test that covers the most bacteria, parasites, & pathogens, digestion, immune system function, and more!

It’s time to show yourself + those you care about most some love, get back to being healthy, up your energy, and stop letting "feeling bad" stress you out….


… all the while exactly what to do to support your health.



  • 01.

    Once you purchase your Functional Lab Test Interpretation package, you will get access to my online client portal where you will be required to fill out your new client intake form, 3 day food journal, specific lab request form.


    You will also get a welcome email with instructions on how to complete your chosen lab test.


  • 02.

    Your test kit will be sent to you in the mail and you will receive within 1-2 weeks. Complete the test according to the instructions and send back to the lab. 


  • 03.

    Once I receive your results, I will use your intake form information as well as main health concerns and symptoms to interpret your results and create your healing protocol. 


    I will record a screenshare video walking you through your lab test results, what they mean, and how this related back to your main concerns. 


    To finish off the video, I will walk you through my recommendations for your healing protocol, how to purchase supplements or recommended products, and where to go from here. 


  • 04.

    I will send your video, Report of Findings, and upload all lab test results to your client folder inside my secure client platform. 


    You can download directly from there and save. 

  • 05.

    You can purchase follow up sessions if needed to ask questions, discuss retesting, or consider 1:1 work in the future right inside your client portal. 



Meet Mel

Mel Harris, RD


I’m Mel, a women's health dietitan and I have a soft spot for postpartum mamas. 


My mission is to help you find the clearest, most grace-filled path to being WELL. Through science-backed, personalized nutrition plans and relatable accountability, you'll finally find the energy you didn't think you had to give life to the person you truly want to be.